Secrets of a Successful 30 Year B2B Sales Prospector Revealed!

Do you want more sales?
Do you want more money?
Do you want less worry about the future?
Do you want more freedom and abundance?
Do you want a proven solution to help you achieve your dream of success?

Then, I have great news for you!

I have written a book, Prospect Factory, that reveals a powerful system for obtaining the single most important secret to achieving long-term sales and business success.

And what is that secret?

The ability to consistently generate a large stream of interested and qualified prospects for the products you sell.

Prospect Factory 3D Book Cover by Ted Stevenot

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In this groundbreaking book, you will learn how to identify and cultivate a list of high-quality prospects for your business and how to approach those prospects in professional, cost-effective ways that yield results.

Sound too good to be true?

I might have thought so too many years ago. I started in sales right out of college as an agent in the individual insurance business. In the beginning, it seemed like the sky was the limit, and I couldn’t have been more excited about the future!

Then, reality happened…

What was the problem? I ran out of new qualified prospects to talk to.

This led to the inability to schedule enough sales appointments, over-dependence on poor-quality prospects, getting stood-up, cancelled, wasting time, increased feelings of rejection, increased fear of failure, and a growing sense of anxiety and despair.

And, on top of all that, lower and lower commissions.

I quickly realized I needed a systematic long-term approach for finding new business prospects to survive. I needed a plan that included daily actions I could take – things that were 100% in my control – to help me fill my pipeline with new qualified sales leads.

And, I needed that plan fast!

The solution I found turned my career around.

I eventually went on to make a successful career in B2B sales and opened the door to a life filled with abundance, freedom, and achieving the dream of becoming a successful business owner.

Why fifty is better than two.

The better the prospecting is, the more successful the salesperson or business will be. Having enough prospects is a like playing blackjack with a stack of 50 poker chips versus being down to your last two chips.

If you have a stack of 50 chips, two chips don’t seem all that critical. But, when you’re down to your last two chips, each chip seems extremely critical!

When you have a limited number of prospects:

  • You feel more pain from sales rejection.
  • You imagine sales leads to be scarcer than they are.
  • You expect too much from poor prospects.
  • You suffer more from the loss of current business.
  • You feel exaggerated pressure to oversell the few leads available.
  • You feel added distress when a potential sale is lost.

When you have an abundance of new prospects:

  • Your confidence skyrockets.
  • You feel less pressure.
  • You have less stress.
  • You can easily let go of weak sales opportunities.
  • You can be objective and pursue the best interests of your prospects.
  • You can establish a firm foundation for your business.
  • You have peace of mind about your future.

In the simplest terms, when a salesperson has a generous number of prospects and loses or turns away a sale, the thought can be, “This prospect didn’t end up becoming a customer, but that’s OK because I know some of the other prospects on my long list of prospects will buy.”

Versus thinking anxiously, “If this prospect doesn’t buy, then who will? This is one of my only sales leads. Where will I find more potential buyers? I just have to close this sale!”

The purpose of this book.

Prospect Factory describes how to set up and operate a prospecting system that produces large numbers of qualified sales leads. I developed the system during my thirty-year career as a salesperson and sales “prospector.”

In the book you’ll learn,

  • How to define the market for your goods and services.
  • How to assemble a large list of potential prospects within your market.
  • How to conduct research to further qualify your prospects.
  • How to establish a prospecting database so you can store and make use of qualifying information you collect.
  • How to make telephone prospecting calls – where permissible – and how to make those calls without pain.
  • How to identify and “tag” higher potential prospects within your market for future follow-up.
  • How to unlock the value of higher potential prospects by approaching them with proactive direct response material that gets results without costing you a fortune.
  • How to improve your quality of life in sales.
  • How to have less stress about your future.
  • How to get what you want in your sales or business career, which is to be successful.

Prospect Factory 3D Book Cover by Ted Stevenot

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You don’t have to be a natural-born sales superstar, have a pre-existing market of contacts, or have overwhelming personal charm to succeed in sales or small business.

Instead, all it takes is practical knowledge and some smart, consistent effort.

The approach outlined in the book is NOT based on who you know, where you grew up, what you look like, how charismatic your personality is, or any of the other uncontrollable intangibles so often used to characterize the foundation of good networking and good prospecting.

In the book, I help you see and understand that something as basic and simple as intelligent hard work can be the major difference between success and failure in sales or business.

Imagine, achieving the success you really want…

  • Grow your sales.
  • Grow your business.
  • Make more money.
  • Get peace of mind.
  • Stop worrying about your future job or career.
  • Achieve genuine success for yourself and your family.
  • Start living your dreams.

The best news is you can start moving in a better direction immediately.

Prospect Factory 3D Book Cover by Ted Stevenot

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I guarantee you my best effort to explain the basic elements of what you’ll need to know to move forward. Once you see and appreciate the fundamental building blocks in clear terms, your outlook on attaining sales and business success will never be the same!

Warning: Knowledge is power, but only when it is coupled with action!

I can offer you a blueprint to build your long-term success, but there is no such thing as a free lunch. To take advantage of it, you must commit to beginning the work required to succeed.

  • Stop worrying about the future.
  • Stop repeating the same mistakes.
  • Stop wasting your time pitching reluctant, uninterested leads.
  • Stop watching others succeed while you spin your wheels.
  • Don’t let a fear of scarcity strangle your success.
  • Don’t wait for your sales pipeline to run dry.
  • Don’t wait until you miss your sales goals.
  • Don’t wait until the bill collectors are calling.
  • Don’t wait until your dreams drift beyond your reach.

Act now and start building your better future today! 


Ted Stevenot
Sales Prospecting School